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- Palletizer for the pharmaceutical industry
Palletizers for the pharmaceutical industry
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The ECP 12 combines a case packer with a palletizing module for fully automatic end-of-line packaging. Cartons are packaged in cases ready for dispatch and the cases stacked on pallets. This way, solid and parenteral products are exceptionally ...
... reduce the use of binders to fuse particles Dust free operation Batch or continuous operation Typical Applications: Pharmaceuticals Agricultural chemicals Resins Ceramics Animal feeds
The pelletizer GTE (300 mm diameter, 9.5 litre) is attached to the AR 403 via the Universal Gear UG which enables the operator to adjust the operating angle to the optimal position during operation. The material can be fed in manually ...
... machines or strapping systems that are used on the fully loaded pallets. Food product packaging Medical industry and laboratories Cosmetic industry Automotive Technical components IML cups IML ...
The Spheronizer is used for reducing the length and rounding off fine extrudate strands. The desired geometry of the end product is influenced by the batch size, the speed and the surface structure of the friction disc. The modular ...
... into spheroids. Spheronization is the necessary second step of granulation by extrusion – spheronization process where pharmaceutical products are made into small spheres or spheroids. Application: The function of ...
VJ Instruments
... that of the SLIM Line. The VARIO Line is ideal for use in the field of medical technology, the pharmaceutical, cosmetic, automotive, consumer goods, electrical and plastic industry, ...
FLG Automation AG
MG2 GRP is a flexible, modular and customizable robotic palletizer based on an universal pick & place head that does not require any change over. The machine can be designed in several different configurations and ...
... manufactured from high density particle foam and vacuum insulation. Typical transport temperature ranges required by the pharmaceutical industry (2 to 8°C / 15 to 25°C / 2 to 25°C or deep frozen) can ...
delta T - Gesellschaft für Medizintechnik
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