Paraffin wax trimmers

6 companies | 6 products
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paraffin wax trimmer
paraffin wax trimmer

Paratrimmer for removal of excess paraffin. The Paratrimmer is designed to effectively remove excess paraffin from the surfaces of standard and Super Mega cassettes, without risk of damaging printed text ...

paraffin wax trimmer
paraffin wax trimmer

SHURTrim Parraffin Block Dewaxer is the safe and practical way to remove excess paraffin from embedding tissue cassettes without risk of damage to barcodes and printed text. SHURTrim is a compact tabletop design that ...

paraffin wax trimmer
paraffin wax trimmer

Paraffin Trimmer is used to remove excess wax from the outside of a tissue cassette and to clear the edge of the cassette of excess wax after paraffin ...

paraffin wax trimmer
paraffin wax trimmer
TEC 3000

TEC 3000 Histo Trimmer is a practical unit designed to remove excess paraffin from biocassettes after the embedding procedure. Just rub the edges of the cassette on the heated surface to obtain a ...

paraffin wax trimmer
paraffin wax trimmer

... SCILAB Paraffin Block Trimmer is designed to efficiently remove excess paraffin from the outside of a tissue cassette following embedding. The edges and writing surface of the tissue ...

paraffin wax trimmer
paraffin wax trimmer
TEC 2900

... trim is a practical device designed to remove excess paraffin from the embedding cassettes after inclusion of specimens. Scraping the embedded block on the “grooved plane” heated surface. Excess paraffin ...

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