Parallel implant depth gauges

4 companies | 5 products
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dental implantology implant depth gauge
dental implantology implant depth gauge

Optoflash XS is designed to meet the requirements of the precision mechanical devices industry, as well as the medical implants industry. Using a combination of 2D optical sensors and a precision motor for part rotation, ...

dental implantology implant depth gauge
dental implantology implant depth gauge

Using a combination of 2D optical sensors and a precision motor for part rotation, the Optoflash can acquire high-resolution images of the workpiece to automatically validate the compliance of the part across its external surface. The ...

osteotomy implant depth gauge
osteotomy implant depth gauge

Depth gauge Characteristics Application domain: for dental implantology Material: surgical stainless steel, titanium One side of Depth Gauge measures ...

parallel implant depth gauge
parallel implant depth gauge

... guide the position of implant placement and to guide the election of the Healing Abutment dimensions in order to keep the cervical portion of the implant prosthesis at the natural tooth width. > ...

angled implant depth gauge
angled implant depth gauge
Kontact, Kontact S®

They are available both straight and angulated (7.5° - 15° - 22°)

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