Patient simulators with electronic console

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4 companies | 6 products
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intubation patient simulator
intubation patient simulator

* Advanced Airway placement with Feedback * DTFIS Negative-Positive Airway * Intubate on the Fly when the Chest is Moving Objective Accurate Feedback * Quality and Timing in Real Time * Improve Communication * Objective ...

intubation patient simulator
intubation patient simulator
Megacode LV Pro

... advanced SmartMan CPR Training systems. This technology provides accurate measurement, excellent physical feel and real time digital display of the movement of air in and out of the lungs during performance of CPR. DELIVER ...

intubation patient simulator
intubation patient simulator
Megacode LV Pro+e

Focus On Data * Objective Verifiable Benchmarks * Establish Realistic Thresholds of Performance * Chart Retention Levels * Identify Areas Needing Improvement Decision Making * Graph Numbers and Performance Levels * ...

trauma patient simulator
trauma patient simulator
HAL® S3040.10

... Trauma HAL® with OMNI® 2 is a wireless full-body trauma patient simulator with programmable bleeding and pressure sensors. The completely tetherless design and ruggedized joints make this simulator ...

auscultation patient simulator
auscultation patient simulator

Pediatric lung sound auscultation with your own actual stethoscope Features - 1. Simple designed display provides immediate understanding of respiratory waves, HR, BP, Respitory rate, and temperature 2. All-in-one unit facilitates ...

adult patient simulator
adult patient simulator

ADAM-X is the male patient simulator designed for practicing skills and providing medical assistance in case of emergency. ADAM-X is a reproduction of a skeletal and anatomical structure of a human. It ...

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