PCR tube laboratory racks

5 companies | 5 products
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PCR tube laboratory rack
PCR tube laboratory rack

... store your PCR samples safe and stable in the colorful Eppendorf PCR-Rack. Dedicate one color to each lab member for easy identification and reduced contamination risk. Handling several ...

PCR tube laboratory rack
PCR tube laboratory rack

... autoclavable polypropylene, Deltalab’s Yellow PCR Workstation is designed to work with different PCR volumes at the same time. It can accommodate up to 32 individual 0.2ml PCR tubes, ...

PCR tube laboratory rack
PCR tube laboratory rack
C6010 series

• Palm PCR™ Sample Tube Rack blue, green, orange Description: 6 x 8 wells, size 99 mm x 71 mm x 20 mm Fit to the Palm PCR™ sample tube

PCR tube laboratory rack
PCR tube laboratory rack

96-Well PCR Tube Rack with Lid ( 0.2ml ) Sturdy polypropylene rack accommodates individual 0.2ml tubes. Strips of 8 or 12 tubes *Tube ...

PCR tube laboratory rack
PCR tube laboratory rack
QIAcube HT

Plasticware for 480 typical preps Workflow step - Sample extraction Instrument platform - QIAcube HT Product type - Plasticware Technology - Spin column Handling - Automated

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