Pediatric cystoscopes

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2 companies | 3 products
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pediatric cystoscope
pediatric cystoscope

Angle of view (°): 75, 85, 90 °
Direction of view (°): 0, 30 °

EndoMed Systems telescopes are among high-quality Cystoscopy interventions in both adult and paediatric cystoscopy with excellent image quality, optimal brightness and contrast in different categories of standard telescopes ...

pediatric cystoscope
pediatric cystoscope

EndoMed Systems produce range of Pediatric Cystoscopy Sheaths and accessories for different purpose and procedures, Pediatric Cystoscopy Sheaths are different in diameters 7, 9, 5, 11 and 13 Fr., for ...

pediatric cystoscope
pediatric cystoscope

Working length: 186.5 mm
Total diameter (mm): 2.7 mm
Angle of view (°): 30, 0, 70, 45 °

This primary preventive surgery is done by using delicate endoscopes with small diameters and short working lengths.

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