Pediatric perforators

6 companies | 9 products
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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
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pediatric perforator
pediatric perforator
LPER C11-14-S

... auto stop cranial perforators, is a revolutionized product of over 15 years of expertise in the design and development of cranial perforators. Innovations include perforators for thin ...

cranial perforator
cranial perforator

... auto stop cranial perforators, is a revolutionized product of over 15 years of expertise in the design and development of cranial perforators. Innovations include perforators for thin ...

cranial perforator
cranial perforator

A perforator designed for effortless precision. Because it’s about performing. efficient. In turn, this enables the patient to recover faster and enjoy better outcomes. evoDrill – low-effort, high-precision Everything ...

cranial perforator
cranial perforator
Acra Cut Disposable

Acra Cut has innovations include perforators for use in thin skull areas, in areas of uneven bone, pediatric perforators, and a wide range of perforator sizes for every ...

See the other products
amniotic membrane perforator
amniotic membrane perforator

The Amnio Hook is used to cause an artificial non-traumatic rupture of the maternal amniotic sac. It has a sharp hook at one end that tears the membrane.

amniotic membrane perforator
amniotic membrane perforator

The Viomedex Amniotic Membrane Perforator is a sterile, single-use obstetric instrument used to rupture the amniotic membrane with minimal risk of trauma to the fetus or mother. Benefits of Membrane Perforator Anatomically ...

cranial perforator
cranial perforator

①Diameter: Φ 4/ 6/ 9/12 mm ②Mechanical auto-stop function, ③Interface designed for quick replacement Reusable

cranial perforator
cranial perforator

①Diameter: Φ 4/ 6/ 9/12 mm ②Mechanical auto-stop function, ③Interface designed for quick replacement

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