Pediatric resuscitation masks

7 companies | 8 products
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pediatric resuscitation mask
pediatric resuscitation mask

The surface contacts with the patient, inflatable aircushion High transparency material for clear observation during use Individual package

pediatric resuscitation mask
pediatric resuscitation mask

CPR is an emergency, life-saving procedure that combines chest compression with artificial ventilation. Our CPR mask is here to protect you when doing the latter. Our CPR ...

pediatric resuscitation mask
pediatric resuscitation mask

... cuff, make it easier to hold the mask correctly in place. Newborn Mask decreases mask leak by enabling better seal. Designed to work with all Laerdal newborn-bag masks The ...

pediatric resuscitation mask
pediatric resuscitation mask

Anatomical inflated cushion for excellent seal Available with removable headstrap fastener

See the other products
BLS Systems Limited
nasal resuscitation mask
nasal resuscitation mask
AERObag® - HBM06-PMB

AERObag® – HBM06-PMB Pocket Masks Single use resuscitation mask made of PVC for adults and children, in a robust hard case. Anatomical, well-sealing air bulge mask ...

pediatric resuscitation mask
pediatric resuscitation mask

Soft seal for comfort Manufactured from polypropylene and thermoplastic elastomer, contains no PVC and is phthalate-free.

nasal resuscitation mask
nasal resuscitation mask

Conjugated with Resuscitators for non-spontaneously breathing patient to restore spontaneous breathing. Compatible to fit with 15mm T-piece or Y-type connector. Soft, smooth contact with the skin provides more comfort to the patient ...

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