Pencil beam bone densitometers

9 companies | 15 products
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DEXA bone densitometer
DEXA bone densitometer

A complete DXA solution, dedicated to specialists looking for a beneficial, intuitive and comfortable system. Our solution assists experts in the diagnosis of fracture risk and the analysis of body composition. Available in a compact ...

DEXA bone densitometer
DEXA bone densitometer

A compact DXA solution, dedicated to specialists looking for a beneficial, intuitive and comfortable system. Our solution assists experts in the diagnosis of fracture risk. STRATOS C can integrate 3D-DXA technology.

DEXA bone densitometer
DEXA bone densitometer

... compact version, MEDIX90 can integrate 3D-DXA technology. The Digital Fast Beam is an improved version of the pencil beam. The technology allows the MEDIX90 to be the fastest pencil ...

DEXA bone densitometer
DEXA bone densitometer
inus D

• Very good reproducibility due to high precision • Automatic determination of the "Region of Interest (ROI)" • Laser-controlled patients - positioning • Comprehensive report with output of T- and Z-Score • Measuring time per measuring ...

DEXA bone densitometer
DEXA bone densitometer

The largest most versatile bone densitometer on the market. The ELITE assesses bone density and body composition on subjects too large for standard DXA tables. Whether used on bariatric ...

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DEXA bone densitometer
DEXA bone densitometer

●Apply DR digital radiography technology to measure bone density perfectly, high precision and good reproducibility ●Very low X-ray dose of device to protect safety of users and patients ●Precise digital scanning with ...

DEXA bone densitometer
DEXA bone densitometer

... central Dual X-ray Absorptiometry (DXA) device. Compared to the other bone mineral densitometer, DEXXUM T is an axial table DXA scanner specially designed with an innovative pencil beam ...

DEXA bone densitometer
DEXA bone densitometer

... technology « Digital Fast Beam® » enables a fast exam, while its functional design maximizes patient and user comfort. Its technology and performance The Digital Fast Beam® is an improve version of ...

DEXA bone densitometer
DEXA bone densitometer

The bone densitometers Density series are planar scanners, consisting of a fixed table and a "U" arm, which moves along the longitudinal direction, from the foot to the patient's head (X axis). On the ...

DEXA bone densitometer
DEXA bone densitometer
Unigamma M Compact

Unigamma M Compact derives from Unigamma M, of which uses both, the radiant and the hardware - software components. Compact is the portable version of Unigamma M. It can perform all scans of Unigamma M except the Total body scan.

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L'ACN - l'Accessorio Nucleare
DEXA bone densitometer
DEXA bone densitometer

... that results in loss of bone mass and increasing a risk of Bone Fracture. Height and Growth Plate A principle of growing length of Bone is chondrocytes configurated growth plate gradually ...

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