PGA tissue matrices

2 companies | 3 products
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orthopedic tissue matrix
orthopedic tissue matrix

Safe,suturable and biocompatible mesh. It is produced from PGA and HA. It is a soluable mesh that nourishes the area which is injected with PGA and HA for 6-8 months, and that both accelerates the production ...

orthopedic tissue matrix
orthopedic tissue matrix

... both causes re-modelling of tissues in the operation area that is operated and both helps bone and cartilage tissues to recover. It acts as a scaffold in the recovery of Condral and Osteocondral defects. ...

orthopedic tissue matrix
orthopedic tissue matrix

... implementation in degenerative and post traumatic cartilage defects (lesions). Thanks to its Biocomposite contents, PLGA + TCP / PGA provides the formation of strong cartilage like subchondral bone and hyaline. Thanks ...

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