Photodiode array chromatography detectors

7 companies | 10 products
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UPLC chromatography detector
UPLC chromatography detector

... techniques. The ACQUITY UPLC Photodiode Array (PDA) Detector offers advanced optical detection, providing unprecedented trace impurity detection and quantitation with spectral analysis ...

See the other products
Waters Ges.m.b.H
GPC/SEC chromatography detector
GPC/SEC chromatography detector

... ultimate in advanced detection for GPC/SEC Complete flexibility in detector configuration. Only purchase the detectors which add value to you now, with the security that any detector ...

HPLC chromatography detector
HPLC chromatography detector
S 3345

The Sykam S 3345 PDA Detector is a photo-diode-array (PDA) detector for routine analysis and sophisticated research. Description The Sykam S 3345 PDA ...

HPLC chromatography detector
HPLC chromatography detector
S 3350

The Sykam S 3350 PDA Detector is a photo-diode-array (PDA) detector for routine analysis and sophisticated research. Description The Sykam S 3350 PDA ...

LC chromatography detector
LC chromatography detector
S 3355

The Sykam S 3355 PDA Detector is a photo-diode-array PDA detector/DAD detector for preparative liquid chromatography ...

gas chromatography detector
gas chromatography detector
Chromaster® 5610 MS

... chromatographic elution pattern. The user interface resembles that of a PDA detector so operations are as simple as using HPLC detectors. Maintainability Equivalent to Optical HPLC ...

HPLC chromatography detector
HPLC chromatography detector

Wide wavelength range Photometric Diode Array Detector (PDA). Wavelength range 190 to 900nm. Suitable for HPLC, UHPLC and SFC. Requires ChromNAV software. Can be used stand alone or as part of a system.

LC chromatography detector
LC chromatography detector
DAD 6.1L

The AZURA DAD 6.1L is a high-end diode array detector with a wavelength range from 190 to 1000 nm. The large selection of flow cells makes it the ideal choice for all liquid chromatography ...

HPLC chromatography detector
HPLC chromatography detector
S 4345

The S 4345 and S 4350 PDA - Detector are photodiode array (PDA) detectors for routine analysis and sophisticated research. The dual lamp design offers ...

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