
5 companies | 7 products
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venous air plethysmography photoplethysmograph
venous air plethysmography photoplethysmograph
AngE™ Phlebo Venous

2-Channel D-PPG/LRR AngE Phlebo is the latest generation in D-PPG/LRR measurement – at credit card size. Pump Volume and Fill Time AngE Phlebo calculates the pump volume (V0), the venous fill time (T0) and the venous half-life time (T50) ...

respiratory photoplethysmograph
respiratory photoplethysmograph

The MD6RP Photo Plethysmograph plugs into the MD6VR Chart Recorder to provide high quality photo plethysmographic waveforms. The photo transducer uses dual infrared transmitters and receivers for extra sensitivity. It is typically used ...

body photoplethysmograph
body photoplethysmograph

The PPG-to-HR Ear Clip is an alternative way to derive PPG-to-HR from the Shimmer3 GSR. The Clip is connected to the fleshy part of the earlobe and the Shimmer3 GSR Unit for best quality signal. The ear lobe optical pulse circuitry ...

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Shimmer Research
body photoplethysmograph
body photoplethysmograph

Connected to the Shimmer3 GSR+ unit, the optical pulse sensor can provide a photoplethysmogram (PPG) signal from a finger, ear-lobe (or other location on the body). Our ConsensysPRO software has a PPG to HR algoritm that allows for a ...

See the other products
Shimmer Research
respiratory photoplethysmograph
respiratory photoplethysmograph

Gating/Triggering Solutions for MouseOx® Plus The photoplethysmograph waveform output by the MouseOx Plus can be used to generate cardiac trigger signals when used as an input to the BIOPAC DTU200 Dual Channel Gating ...

body photoplethysmograph
body photoplethysmograph

Restrainer device for rat and mouse with access to the tail for injection and sampling. Immobilization of experiment animal is required in many pharmacological and physiological experiments. To satisfy this need, Intellibio has launched ...

body photoplethysmograph
body photoplethysmograph

Restrainer for mice (intravenous, peritoneal and neck injection) Restrainer device with tail passage for intravenous injection, long slit on the bottom for peritoneal injection and perforations for the neck. Perforated facade for ...

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