Plastic healing caps

3 companies | 5 products
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plastic healing cap
plastic healing cap
P - 240 - 104

Shorter Implant, which brings together scientific innovations in the light of the latest research and developments in science, has taken its place among the world brands. Shorter continues R&D studies uninterruptedly in order to always ...

PMMA healing cap
PMMA healing cap
Int. Absolute Protection

> Protection from Cheek and Tongue for Gingival Healing Period > Gingival Retraction for Prosthodontic Margin of Abutment > Alternative Usage for Sub-structure of Temporary Prosthesis

PMMA healing cap
PMMA healing cap
Sub. Multi Protection

plastic healing cap
plastic healing cap
Int. Ball Inner

PMMA healing cap
PMMA healing cap
Kontact, Kontact S®, WEEGO.FR

The clipped transfers are available in the following diameters: 4.2mm Ø 5.5mm Ø Note: Indexed healing caps in PMMA

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