Plug-in type filters

3 companies | 5 products
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membrane filter
membrane filter
Vivaflow® 50

In research and development laboratories, scaling ultrafiltration processes up from centrifugal devices can be expensive and complicated. If all you need is a clarified, concentrated or re-buffered macromolecule sample from an initial ...

See the other products
Sartorius Group
membrane filter
membrane filter
Vivaflow® 50R

In research and development laboratories, scaling ultrafiltration processes up from centrifugal devices can be expensive and complicated. If all you need is a clarified, concentrated or re-buffered macromolecule sample from an initial ...

See the other products
Sartorius Group
membrane filter
membrane filter
Vivaflow® 200

In research and development laboratories, scaling ultrafiltration processes up from centrifugal devices can be expensive and complicated. If all you need is a clarified, concentrated or re-buffered macromolecule sample from an initial ...

See the other products
Sartorius Group
bacterial filter
bacterial filter

Steam sterilization technology with higher performance to enhance molecular clearance and biocompatibility PES membrane with excellent permeability and stability Imported assembly line to guarantee stable production and product ...

line filter
line filter

Filtration capacity: 65 µm
Antibacterial efficacy: 65 %
Antiviral efficacy: 65 %

The InLine filter* is placed in the extraction hood. Therefore, it catches most airborne particles directly before they can even enter the extraction arm and the filter system. This extends the service life of its main filters, as they ...

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