Polyester undercast padding bandages

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6 companies | 8 products
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Polyester undercast padding bandages | Choosing the Right Wound Care Material
The material you choose is important when it comes to wound care products. Dressings and related products can be made of synthetic or natural fibers, with or without latex, and with or without zinc oxide. Synthetic or natural fibers Most of these products are made from natural (cotton) or synthetic fibers. These are the synthetic fibers that can be used to make them: Polyurethane Viscose Polyamide Polyester Silicone Polyethylene ...
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cotton undercast padding bandage
cotton undercast padding bandage

Cellona Synthetic Padding helps ensure an even distribution of pressure from compression bandages. It cushions the limb and helps prevent sharp indentations and/or irritations of the skin. Soft and elastic, ...

See the other products
Lohmann & Rauscher
polyester undercast padding bandage
polyester undercast padding bandage
1054 series

Width: 6, 8, 10, 15 cm
Length: 3 m

polyester undercast padding bandage
polyester undercast padding bandage
CMW0 series

A non-woven polyester padding that is porous, highly conformable and strong, yet easy to tear. Suitable for use with all casting materials, plaster and synthetic. Product Details Spun Dacron polyester ...

cotton undercast padding bandage
cotton undercast padding bandage

Skin Friendly Stockinette, in 100% Cotton or Polyester PRODUCT INFO Use under synthetic cast, Plaster of Paris bandages, or protection on amputation stump Protects patient's skin from maceration ...

See the other products
Prime Medical
polyester undercast padding bandage
polyester undercast padding bandage
11 06 002 003

Restraint medication and needle cannula. Color: White Packaging: box of 75 pieces Dimensions / weight: Sleep (cm): 11 (± 1) x14 (± 2) / 2.5 (± 0.3) g. In extension (cm): 22 (± 1) X66 (± 2) Medical ...

polyester undercast padding bandage
polyester undercast padding bandage

... category of padding bandages. Formed by polyester fibers, it has a soft touch and allows to be a protective layer before any type of immobilization or compression bandage. The ...

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