Polyethylene gynecological finger cots

2 companies | 3 products
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polyethylene gynecological finger cot
polyethylene gynecological finger cot

For gynecological examination the product is provided with two opaque polyethylene. 100 units are packaged in the dispenser bag. Individual pouch is used to pack each fingerstall. The product is sterilized ...

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polyethylene gynecological finger cot
polyethylene gynecological finger cot

Non sterile 2 opaque polyethylene fingerstalls fot gynecological examination 100 units in a dispenser bag. Packaging : Bag of 100 units Sterilization : Non sterile

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polyethylene gynecological finger cot
polyethylene gynecological finger cot

... free hand. As the finger is a flexible instrument, lithotomy is unnecessary, even with a posterior cervix. Outer teardrop shape indicates orientation of hook. Contains no latex or latex by-products. AROM-Cot® ...

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