Polystyrene laboratory scoops

3 companies | 3 products
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polystyrene laboratory scoop
polystyrene laboratory scoop
8045A series

The Sampling Systems range of non-sterile and sterile scoops are the tool of choice for thousands of companies around the world. Our sterile, disposable Scoops (spades) are manufactured in a cleanroom ...

polystyrene laboratory scoop
polystyrene laboratory scoop
12085 series

Our line of durable Sampling Scoops are designed for easy sample retrieval of granules, powders and pastes. Available in multiple sizes and intended for single use to prevent contamination of bulk sample material. ...

polystyrene laboratory scoop
polystyrene laboratory scoop
BMP-SC-308, BMP-SC-312

... and environmental are just a few applications. Each high impact scoop is individually sealed inside its own plastic bag and Gamma sterilized. Flat base and unique handle design keeps the scoop upright on the bench.

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