Polyvinyl chloride infusion bags

5 companies | 5 products
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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
{{#if product.productPrice }} {{#if product.productPrice.price }}

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{{/end}} {{/each}}


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{{#pushedProductsPlacement5.length}} {{#each pushedProductsPlacement5}}

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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
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{{/end}} {{/each}}


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{{/each}} {{/pushedProductsPlacement5.length}}
saline solution infusion bag
saline solution infusion bag

Capacity: 500, 250, 1,000 ml

Supporting Blood Centers, hospitals and research facilities Our bulk solutions are used in various healthcare settings to support apheresis procedures. We distribute anticoagulant and sodium chloride ...

parenteral solution infusion bag
parenteral solution infusion bag

Capacity: 250 ml

Brevibloc Premixed 10 mg/ml Solution for Infusion - Each 250ml non-latex, polyolefinic bag with dual PVC ports contains 2500mg of esmolol hydrochloride Concentration: - 2500mg Esmolol ...

parenteral solution infusion bag
parenteral solution infusion bag
YD series

Capacity: 250 ml

Specifications: with infusion needle specifications: 0.4mm, 0.45mm, 0.5mm, 0.55mm, 0.6mm, 0.7mm, 0.8mm, 0.9mm. [Product performance and main structure] The pipeline, drip bucket, dropper, two-way, three-way, liquid ...

parenteral solution infusion bag
parenteral solution infusion bag

Capacity: 100, 2,000 ml

Flexible IV Bag solution. Made of bio-compatible PVC material, researched and developed in-house by Mitra. Certified by NAMSA, USA. Flexible, Clear, and Vent-free Compatibility of the material has ...

parenteral solution infusion bag
parenteral solution infusion bag

Capacity: 200 ml

Cord blood products wash/infusion bag set Fill Volume Range - Up to 200mL in transfer bag 1 Up to 150 mL in transfer bag 2 Up to 25 mL in freezing ...

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