Portable air purification systems

3 companies | 4 products
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mobile air purification system
mobile air purification system

Weight: 25, 27.2, 17 kg
Noise level: 1 dB - 68 dB
Length: 590 mm

Air Sentry is effective against all airborne pathogens K9 is an innovative air purification system, boasting an impressive HEPA 14 filter, cleaning the air ...

portable air purification system
portable air purification system

Impact area: 40 m²
Weight: 1.5 kg
Noise level: 42 dB

Air purification solution for living rooms MEDI'AIRCOP-0100 is effective everywhere, in all premises where olfactory pollution is problematic MEDI'AIRCOP purifies air and surfacesby ...

wall-mounted air purification system
wall-mounted air purification system

Impact area: 5 m² - 100 m²
Weight: 2.7 kg
Noise level: 48 dB

Air purification - curative treatment MEDI'AIRCOP-0300 is powerful and nomadic Equiped with a timer allowing programming in sequences of 10 minutes, this puifier is effective for a curative or preventive ...

portable air purification system
portable air purification system
Hygene air 50

... for human consumption. The air in an environment after treatment with Ozone is free of bacteria, viruses, pollution, smells. But still has ozone levels that are not compatible with the presence of people. HYGENE 50 ...

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