Premolar curettes

5 companies | 5 products
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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
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periodontal curette
periodontal curette
N°13 - ZRN

Our range of manual instrumentation falls within the great tradition of high-end cutlery in Thiers in the heart of France. And because innovation is part of our DNA we have surpassed ourselves as a result of our Medtech expertise. The ...

dental curette
dental curette

... accesses all surfaces of premolars and molars like a universal curette, but with the full coverage and angulation of a Gracey curette. It is also a very good choice for all furcation ...

periodontal curette
periodontal curette
15-67-0XX, 15-77-00X Series

Dental Curettes - Made of Quality Stainless Steel Available Choices: Gracey 1-2 For Anterior Gracey 3-4 For Anterior Gracey 5-6 For Anterior Gracey 7-8 For PreMolar/Molar Gracey 9-10 For Contra ...

dental surgery curette
dental surgery curette

... steel. Four models available: – Curette no. 1/2 for incisors and canines. – Curette no. 3/4 for incisors, canines and premolars. – Curette no. 11/12 for molar mesial ...

periodontal curette
periodontal curette

... Columbia 2L-2R universal curette by InstruDents X is designed for removing heavy and moderate calculus from subgingival and supragingival tooth surfaces. It is primarily used for premolars and incisors. ...

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