Production reagents

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3 companies | 6 products
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growth medium reagent
growth medium reagent
SuperCulture™ GF20 MSC Xeno-Free SFM

... subculturing of human mesenchymal stem cells derived from umbilical cord, bone marrow and fat. 3. Cultured cells can be used for production or scientific research. 4. Superior proliferation promoting ability and short ...

growth medium reagent
growth medium reagent
SuperCulture™ GF20 Plus MSC Xeno-Free SFM

... stem cells from a variety of tissues such as umbilical cord, bone marrow and fat, and the cultured cells can be used for production or scientific research; 4. The product has high amplification efficiency, which saves ...

growth medium reagent
growth medium reagent
Human Mesenchymal Culture Kit

A. General Description In the traditional cell culture process, most of the media contain FBS or FCS. Since many unknown components contained in the serum may inhibit or stimulate the cells, thus interfering with the experiment, and ...

enzyme reagent kit
enzyme reagent kit
SolisFAST® Lyo-Ready qPCR

Storage temperature: -20 °C

... lyophilization additives or excipients. 4x SolisFAST® Lyo Excipient Mix is a 4x concentrated blend of additives that protect reagents during lyophilization. In combination with the glycerol-free qPCR mix, it enables ...

solution reagent kit
solution reagent kit

Storage temperature: -20 °C

... Compositions for increasing polypeptide stability and activity, and related methods, EP2501716B1 (2015) and US9321999B2 (2016). Reagents: SoliSDTM Bsm DNA Polymerase (8 U/ µl) 10x Isothermal Reaction Buffer (pH 8.8) ...

solution reagent kit
solution reagent kit

Storage temperature: 2 °C - 8 °C

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