PVB IBP cables

3 companies | 4 products
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{{#if product.productPrice }} {{#if product.productPrice.price }}

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Fukuda Denshi IBP cable
Fukuda Denshi IBP cable

Length: 2.2 m

Our IBP adapter cable has 9 kinds of connectors, can be compatible with a variety of brands of Monitors, can be customised according to customer requirements of various lengths of the adapter cable. Compatible ...

Philip IBP cable
Philip IBP cable

Medica D Logicare Series 2000 Philips 3536A, 78205A-D, 78341A, 78342A, 78352A, 78354C, 8030A, 8040A, CMS 24, M1006A, M1006A/B, M1006B, M1026A, M1165A, M1166A, M1175A, M1176A, M1205A, M1350A, M1350B, M1353A, M2, M3, M4, Merlin, Merlin ...

B. Braun IBP cable
B. Braun IBP cable

Length: 1.58, 1.5, 1 m

... Product structure: Composed of flowmeter, flushing valve, blood pressure sensor, three-way valve, pressure extension tube and IBP cable.

plug-in type IBP cable
plug-in type IBP cable

Length: 350 cm

We Keborui not only supplies original IBP cables as OEM for world-renowned global providers of medical cables, also meets loads of stringent requirements of custom-tailored cables ...

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