Radiography cassettes holders

10 companies | 12 products
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operating table-mounted radiography cassette holder
operating table-mounted radiography cassette holder

The X-ray cassette carrier can be positioned wherever you need it on the table. It is made of stainless sheet material. GENERAL FEATURES -440x440 mm dimensions -Body material 1.2 mm stainless sheet -Handle ...

operating table-mounted radiography cassette holder
operating table-mounted radiography cassette holder

- holder for X-ray cassettes - attachment to operating table - suitable for cassettes max. 465x390 mm

operating table-mounted radiography cassette holder
operating table-mounted radiography cassette holder

operating table-mounted radiography cassette holder
operating table-mounted radiography cassette holder

Arranged under the pelvic section, dimensions approx. 435 x 305 mm (W x D). Retrofitting is not possible.

operating table-mounted radiography cassette holder
operating table-mounted radiography cassette holder

Holding arm for positioning x-ray cassettes under radiotransparent table top. Mounted on side rails by clamp.

operating table-mounted radiography cassette holder
operating table-mounted radiography cassette holder

operating table-mounted radiography cassette holder
operating table-mounted radiography cassette holder

Removable cassette top mount onto operating table, covering its full length and width. Consists of four radiolucent sections: head, back, seat, and foot. Velcro strips are provided for pad attachment; use with existing ...

See the other products
Mediland Enterprise
wall-mounted radiography cassette holder
wall-mounted radiography cassette holder

operating table-mounted radiography cassette holder
operating table-mounted radiography cassette holder

Operating table accessory, it's composed of X-ray cassette and handle. X-ray cassette Dimension : 450x400 ( mm )

operating table-mounted radiography cassette holder
operating table-mounted radiography cassette holder

★ Powder Coated, Mild Steel Construction ★ Fits to the Back of Profile Beds Back Rest Frame ★ Easy Full Adjustment and Position Locking

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