Research POC analyzers

7 companies | 9 products
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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
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{{/end}} {{/each}}


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{{/end}} {{/each}}


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CLIA POC analyzer
CLIA POC analyzer
iTuBe 3000

Convincing performance Time to first result within 18 minutes Acridinium Ester Chemiluminescence Technology Highest accuracy and precision Lepu Fully Automated CLIA workstation iTUbe 3000 Convincing performance Time to first result ...

photometric POC analyzer
photometric POC analyzer

Clini5 is part of the Check&Go concept designed by Callegari Lifescience, dedicated to self-analysis and personal well-being. Clini5 is a photometer aimed at determining the main clinical chemistry parameters in whole blood samples. It ...

fluorescence immunoassay POC analyzer
fluorescence immunoassay POC analyzer
UM-IF 100

... etc. It is also suitable for the scientific research laboratory. our advantages 1. Automatic identification 2. Auto discard test card 3. Results immediately printed Fluorescence Immunoassay Analyzer > ...

CLIA POCT analyzer
CLIA POCT analyzer

Advantages √ Rapid: fastest result in 5mins √ Flixible: Whole blood option & Zero cost of Consumables √ Vast Applications: Big&Small Medical facilities √ Room temperature storage: 2-30°C √ Simplest test procedure: results in 3 steps ...

photometric POC analyzer
photometric POC analyzer
FREE Carpe Diem

... a choice of up to 90 methods and is programmable according to the most common laboratory requirements (in particular for research), such as the use of different reactions (kinetics, end point or differential), specific ...

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Diacron International S.r.l.
fluorescence POCT analyzer
fluorescence POCT analyzer

Fully automatic fluorescence to achieve the loading process, including card, scan code, dilution, sample loading, incubation, reading, lost card, etc., the whole process of the experiment Customize reagent cartridges according to your ...

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Shenzhen Yuanqin Biotech Co., Ltd
heart failure diagnosis POC analyzer
heart failure diagnosis POC analyzer

Product Description: NEW ON THE MARKET POC analyser for NON-invasive Diagnosis and Therapy monitoring of Heart Failure Patients using 2 biomarkers: NT-proBNP and Cortisol. Thanks to its advanced and ...

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