Respiratory muscles exercisers

31 companies | 51 products
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respiratory muscles exerciser
respiratory muscles exerciser

The patient should lift two or three balls by deep inspiration, following the instructions of the doctor specialist, holding the inspiration as long as possible and removing the mouthpiece from his mouth to exhale. Can be fully disassembled ...

respiratory muscles muscle trainer
respiratory muscles muscle trainer

EMS body slimming machine is based on high-intensity focused electromagnetic energy. A single session causes thousands of powerful muscle contractions which are extremely important in improving the tone ...

respiratory muscles muscle trainer
respiratory muscles muscle trainer

... Training the inspiratory and expiratory muscles to increase the lungs capacity and ventilation ability *Efficiently get 30% training performance improved comparing any devices only with single function breathing ...

respiratory muscles exerciser
respiratory muscles exerciser
180 101


respiratory muscles exerciser
respiratory muscles exerciser

... individual training device designed to increase the strength and endurance of the inspiratory muscles. Numerous clinical studies have demonstrated that respiratory muscles can be effectively ...

respiratory muscles exerciser
respiratory muscles exerciser

... spirometer, disposable mouth piece and extension tubing Designed to strengthen respiratory musculature and help restore or maintain lung capacity by encouraging slow and deep breathing

respiratory muscles exerciser
respiratory muscles exerciser

... pressure and volume exerciser for respiratory gymnastics. It's designed to encourage deep inhalation and exhalation. Deep breathing helps improve ventilation in the pulmunary alveoli ...

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respiratory muscles exerciser
respiratory muscles exerciser

... physiotherapy device to improve the respiratory conditioning of children, the elderly, bedridden and weak patients. It helps to relieve shortness of breath, as it contributes to strengthening the respiratory ...

respiratory muscles exerciser
respiratory muscles exerciser
Ebreathe® series

Ebreathe® Series is intelligent digital breathing trainers specially designed for respiratory muscle training. The device is equipped with innovative tapered flow resistive loading technology ...

respiratory muscles exerciser
respiratory muscles exerciser
Threshold IMT

Operates during inspiration – strengthens and improves respiratory muscle function and the central and peripheral respiratory pathway. Threshold IMT EAN code 4013046082332 PZN 0256449 Order ...

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Flores medical
respiratory muscles exerciser
respiratory muscles exerciser

Trainer Body 157(L)mm×135(M)mmx64(H)mm Corrugated Tube 108(L)mm x24(W)mm x22(H)mm Mouthpiece 63.5(L)mmx22.36(W)mm(H)N/A Child suitable range 250~2500ml Adult suitable range 500~5000ml

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VAPO Healthcare
respiratory muscles exerciser
respiratory muscles exerciser

... digital breathing training devices. The K-Series uses a patented and researched based ‘intelligent tapering system’ that matches the strength profile of your breathing muscles, providing ...

respiratory muscles exerciser
respiratory muscles exerciser

Orygen Dual Valve or respiratory muscle training with BOTH Inspiratory & Expiratory procedures. Rehabilitation for the patients with COPD (Cronic obstructive Pulmonary Disease.All range of pressures ...

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respiratory muscles exerciser
respiratory muscles exerciser

... To help clear sputum Respiratory muscle strength training and autonomic sputum excretion for patients with respiratory diseases and users who need to improve their exercise tolerance Improvement ...

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Shanghai Sonmol Medical Devices
respiratory muscles exerciser
respiratory muscles exerciser

Besmed Incentive Spirometer helps patients perform and monitor their own post-surgical breathing exercises. The patients are encouraged to breathe in from the device as slowly and as deeply as possible. Features Improving ...

respiratory muscles exerciser
respiratory muscles exerciser

... strenuous exercise. It trains respiratory muscles, those in the pharynx, the throat, abdominal muscles as well as pectoral and intercostal ones, and muscles in the back ...

respiratory muscles exerciser
respiratory muscles exerciser

In polycarbonate, tube and mouthpiece in polyethylene Latex free For inspiration and expiration With three measuring cylinders for the control of the flow Flow control is done through the three colored balls, which indicate the amount ...

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KOO Industries
respiratory muscles exerciser
respiratory muscles exerciser
Light Move

... resistance to your breathing muscles to improve breathing muscles efficiency and endurance; -- LED Display Real time display of training process data with LED display; -- ...

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LightMove Technology
respiratory muscles exerciser
respiratory muscles exerciser

The Tri-Ball Spirometer provides respiration rehabilitation training to help patients with breathing problems (ex. after chest or abdominal surgery) recover normal breathing. The device is intended for single-patient, ...

respiratory muscles exerciser
respiratory muscles exerciser

... completely. This happens for the action of two sets of muscles: the intercostal muscles and the diaphragm. The Expand-A-Lung® Breathing Resistance Exerciser is a device ...

respiratory muscles exerciser
respiratory muscles exerciser

... the effect of neuromuscular disease on the function of inspiratory muscle and lung diseases, and assessing the effect of respiratory muscle function, expectoration ability and respiratory ...

respiratory muscles exerciser
respiratory muscles exerciser

VIS-01 Breathing trainer is an inspiratory muscle training (IMT) device for improving the strength and stamina of the muscles used to breathe in. It's used to help patients to recover ...

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Promed Technology
respiratory muscles exerciser
respiratory muscles exerciser

... complications. After surgery that affects the respiratory function, especially surgery to the lungs, such as abdominal surgery the device assists in respiration. This also commonly prescribed for post -operative cardiac ...

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Promed Technology
respiratory muscles exerciser
respiratory muscles exerciser

A breathing trainer is an inspiratory muscle training (IMT) device which exercise the inspiratory muscles (those used to breath in), improving their strength and stamina, reducing fatigue. It ...

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Promed Technology
respiratory muscles exerciser
respiratory muscles exerciser

The three balls spirometer is mainly used for normal breathing restored trainings for the patients who has just gone splanchnocoele operation.

respiratory muscles exerciser
respiratory muscles exerciser

UB UBREATH Breathing Exercise Device can help exercise lung muscles, improve lung function, and thus assist in the treatment or prevention of certain respiratory diseases. wear-resistant ...

respiratory muscles exerciser
respiratory muscles exerciser

The Acapella Vibratory PEP Devices are a single patient, multiple use devices that provides Positive Expiratory Pressure (PEP) Therapy for patients who have Cystic Fibrosis, COPD, asthma, and lung diseases with secretory problems, and ...

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