Reusable laryngeal masks

20 companies | 26 products
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human laryngeal mask
human laryngeal mask
A05B05 series

Medical grade silicone for super biobiocompatibility and patient comfort.

human laryngeal mask
human laryngeal mask
A05B07 series

Medical grade silicone for super biobiocompatibility and patient comfort.

human laryngeal mask
human laryngeal mask
3281 series

Made of 100% medical grade silicone Autoclavable; Used up to a recommended 40 times;

oral laryngeal mask
oral laryngeal mask
PA0103 series

... adult, children and infant use - With Or without aperture bar for choosing 1) REUSABLE SILICONE STANDARD LARYNGEAL MASK 2) REUSABLE SILICONE STANDARD LARYNGEAL ...

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Hangzhou Formed Medical Devices
oral laryngeal mask
oral laryngeal mask
PA0104 series

... patient body and improving the cuff seal. - With Bar or Aperture 1)REUSABLE SILICONR REINFORCED LARYNGEAL MASK 2)REUSABLE SILICONE LARYNGEAL MASK ...

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Hangzhou Formed Medical Devices
oral laryngeal mask
oral laryngeal mask

... of sore throat in adults. The Reusable lma was introduced by Brain in 1988 with the goal of replacing the face mask during general anesthesia cases, thus avoiding more invasive methods of airway control.1 ...

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Hangzhou Formed Medical Devices
human laryngeal mask
human laryngeal mask
LAD® 550

Made from clinically proven superior grade silicone, the 550 can be used up to 10 times more than any other Laryngeal Airway, making it cost effective and easy to use. Available in both standard and flexible versions, ...

human laryngeal mask
human laryngeal mask
LarySeal™ Multiple

Reusable silicone laryngeal mask airway, can be sterilised up to 40 times. The LarySeal Multiple cuff adapts to the contour of the oropharyngeal area to provide a secure seal. Crush ...

human laryngeal mask
human laryngeal mask

‧ Crush resistant tube integrates handiness and softness. ‧ Seamless surface of the cuff assures smooth insertion. ‧ Elastic material ensures the best possible seal with least internal pressure. ‧ Tube construction allows access of ...

human laryngeal mask
human laryngeal mask

... reduce the risk of kinking > Reusable type could be used up to 40 times + The Laryngeal Mask Airway is an alternative airway device used for anesthesia and airway support. It consists ...

human laryngeal mask
human laryngeal mask

Reusable Silicon Laryngeal Mask Airway

human laryngeal mask
human laryngeal mask

oral laryngeal mask
oral laryngeal mask

A laryngeal mask airway — also known as laryngeal mask and supraglottic airway — is a medical device that keeps a patient's airway open during anesthesia or unconsciousness. ...

oral laryngeal mask
oral laryngeal mask

... for emergent airways Rapid ventilation Less Stimulation • away from the esophagus Safe and Comfortable • supraglottic airway device • reduce complications Unique Sloping Distal End • facilitâtes ...

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Zhejiang UE Medical Corp.
human laryngeal mask
human laryngeal mask
LA-772 series

Kinking free and transparent airway tube is easy to insert and enables to see all conditions. Seamless cuff formation offers maximum comfort. Razor-thin balloon facilitates the sensitivity of the inflation bulge. Oval tip prevents ...

human laryngeal mask
human laryngeal mask

... further improve the sealing performance. Comprehensive size ranges for adults, children and infants use. Reinforced laryngeal mask airway and normal ones for different needs.

human laryngeal mask
human laryngeal mask

... anatomic shape for easy, gentle insertion and optimal placement clear marks colour coded 15 mm connector latex free reusable sterile

human laryngeal mask
human laryngeal mask

... Sterile, Reusable 12. Greater elasticity of silicone to conform to the anatomy 13. Higher oropharyngeal seal pressures 14. A lower risk of post-operative sore throat 15. Not made with phthalates What is a laryngeal ...

infant laryngeal mask
infant laryngeal mask

The purpose of the Besmed Reusable Laryngeal Mask is to ensure and maintain permeable airways in emergencies, or during anesthetic, routine surgical procedures, with spontaneous and/or ...

human laryngeal mask
human laryngeal mask

Composition : Laryngeal Mask Reusable Silicone Packing : 1,2,3,4,5

human laryngeal mask
human laryngeal mask

Laryngeal mask airway is suitable for patients under anesthesia or drug sedation and patients who need emergency artificial ventilation support during first aid and resuscitation, so as to achieve unobstructed ...

oral laryngeal mask
oral laryngeal mask

1.0 Product description Laryngeal mask airways (LMA) are single-use or reusable supraglottic airway devices that may be used as a temporary method ...

human laryngeal mask
human laryngeal mask

... flexibility guarantee easy intubation. Also available as TRO-LARYSAFE PVC laryngeal mask for single use made of PVC and TRO-LARYSAFE reusable reusable laryngeal ...

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