Rodent veterinary anesthesia workstations

6 companies | 7 products
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animal research veterinary anesthesia workstation
animal research veterinary anesthesia workstation

This program is the combination of anesthesia machine and ventilator. While keeping the animal under anesthesia, it provides a certain volume (tidal volume) of oxygen ...

animal research veterinary anesthesia workstation
animal research veterinary anesthesia workstation
MiniHUB V3

... innovations in the management of anesthetic protocols for small animals thanks to its powerful and efficient computer control. Anesthesia station for small animals (rat, mouse, guinea pig, marmoset) Fully integrated ...

animal research veterinary anesthesia workstation
animal research veterinary anesthesia workstation

The TAG S gas anesthesia table from TEMSEGA is a special version of its famous patented TAG, dedicated to precision work involving long anesthesia on rodents. Independancy The two ...

animal research veterinary anesthesia workstation
animal research veterinary anesthesia workstation

... gas to deliver anesthesia at low flow rates proportionate to the animal’s size. Using less anesthesia not only benefits the animal during procedures, but significantly reduces the ...

rodent veterinary anesthesia workstation
rodent veterinary anesthesia workstation
Moduflex NRB

Moduflex NRB Veterinary Anesthesia Machine For non-rebreathing, research and lab animal applications. In order to answer the needs of veterinarians working with very ...

animal research veterinary anesthesia workstation
animal research veterinary anesthesia workstation

... Digital Infusion Inhaled Anesthesia System brought to the researcher the maximum efficiency for the experiments with rats and mice and the practicality of the displacement. Imagine. You can conduct your ...

rodent veterinary anesthesia workstation
rodent veterinary anesthesia workstation
R500 series

Multifunctional anesthesia solution suitable for small animals: rat, mouse, hamster, guinea pig, rabbit, cat and other animals up to 7Kg. The system aims to provide a complete solution to small rodent ...

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