Rotary vane vacuum systems

10 companies | 24 products
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medical vacuum system
medical vacuum system

Flow: 6.4 m³/h - 48 m³/h
Power: 0.25 kW - 1.5 kW
Tank volume: 70 l

... autonomous and compact vacuum systems can be equipped from two up to three PS dry pistons vacuum pumps or ARICA dry rotary vane pumps. The regulation is made with a PLC. ...

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medical vacuum system
medical vacuum system
HOSPIVAC 2/3/V3/V4/V5/V6

Flow: 28 m³/h - 360 m³/h
Power: 0.75 kW - 6.6 kW
Weight: 185 kg - 1,660 kg

... /V5/V6 autonomous and compact vacuum systems joined the last generation of high performance lubricated rotary vane vacuum pumps. Their pumping speed allow them a big ...

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medical vacuum system
medical vacuum system

Flow: 28 m³/h - 769 m³/h
Power: 0.75 kW - 15.6 kW

The vacuum is a strategic fluid in the healthcare field because vacuum cylinders don’t exist. This is the reason why our systems are designed to ensure the security of patients and meets ...

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medical vacuum system
medical vacuum system

Flow: 80 m³/h
Power: 2.2 kW
Tank volume: 300 l

... medical vacuum system is equipped with 3 oil-lubricated vacuum pumps. Each pump includes oil level sight glass, anti-suck-back valve filter. The system is equipped ...

medical vacuum system
medical vacuum system
VOF series

Flow: 40 m³/h - 1,485 m³/h
Power: 2.5 kW - 22 kW
Tank volume: 300 l - 1,000 l

Medical vacuum systems are designed to supply medical vacuum to medical gas pipeline systems in medical facilities. AmcareMed medical rotary vane ...

medical vacuum system
medical vacuum system

Tank volume: 80, 120, 240, 60 gal
Weight: 570 kg - 8,800 kg
Length: 26 cm - 131 cm

... Medical Oil-Sealed Rotary Vane Medical Vacuum System is NFPA 99 compliant for use in medical vacuum and dual Medical/Surgical applications. The unit ...

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Ohio Medical
medical vacuum system
medical vacuum system

Power: 3, 4, 6, 10, 2 kW
Tank volume: 80, 120 gal
Weight: 400 lb - 1,070 lb

Gentec Lubricated Rotary Vane Systems are very reliable and easy to maintain. The rotary vane pumps use oil to "lubricate" or create the seal between the tip of the vanes ...

medical vacuum system
medical vacuum system

Flow: 5 ft³/min - 8 ft³/min
Power: 0.9 kW - 6.4 kW

... medical vacuum systems may be classified as biohazardous material. This results in increased oil disposal costs for the hospital, as well as increased health risks for maintenance personnel. Since BeaconMedæs ...

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laboratory vacuum system
laboratory vacuum system

... Central Vacuum Systems are an industry leading, true plug-and-play product. The highly engineered, modular design allows this system to expand with your ever-changing needs. Featuring ...

medical vacuum system
medical vacuum system
M-VS series

Flow: 560 l/min - 15,000 l/min
Power: 1.1 kW - 11 kW
Pressure: 0.8 bar

2 or 3 rotary type vacuum pumps Rarefaction Double anti-bacterial filter with liquid collection Galvanised from two sides receiver Control unit with integrated alarm system

dental vacuum system
dental vacuum system

Pressure: 180, 250 mbar

... disinfection vacuum tank are released to the drainage system after disinfection process. Dental vacuum plants are designed and produced complying with Medical Devices Directive 93/42/EEC, ...

medical vacuum system
medical vacuum system

Power: 10 W - 30 W
Tank volume: 80, 120, 200 gal
Inlet fitting size: 2 in - 3 in

Our enclosed lubricated vane vacuum system decreases noise levels, allowing the vacuum system to be installed right at the point of use. Perfect when ...

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rotary vane vacuum system
rotary vane vacuum system
GP 25, GP

Flow: 15 m³/h - 300 m³/h

Vacuum package consisting of oil lubricated and rotary vanes vacuum pump model GP on horizontal tank. Displacements from 15 to 300 m³/h. Vacuum tank ...

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