Rotating incinerators

8 companies | 13 products
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cremation incinerator
cremation incinerator

Addfields Rotary Incinerator Furnace Plant has been specifically designed to meet the demanding needs of a high capacity incineration plant. The plant is able to achieve high capacity burn rates. How ...

medical waste incinerator
medical waste incinerator

... high capacity of waste through an incinerator system, then a rotary incinerator may form a crucial part of your project. Designed to continually rotate from one end to ensure that ...

drying incinerator
drying incinerator

This is a series made up by 6 models of rotating batch combustion chamber furnaces whose  movement causes constant removal of the material being treated and as a consequence speeds up the drying and combustion process. ...

thermal incinerator
thermal incinerator
RK series

... plants of the series “RK” are incinerators with a rotating combustion chamber and a static post-combustion chamber, studied for the thermal destruction of high humidity waste. The furnaces of RK model ...

animal waste incinerator
animal waste incinerator

Temperature range: 850 °C - 1,100 °C

Our waste incinerators mod. ROTOMAC are rotary or oscillating combustion chamber furnaces, which are suitable for the incineration of almost all types of solid and liquid waste such as whole animals, ...

animal incinerator
animal incinerator

Temperature range: 850 °C

Our models of MB mobile incinerator ovens are designed to be installed inside a container or on a trailer in order to be able to intervene immediately and directly on the waste production site, these incinerators ...

thermal incinerator
thermal incinerator

Capacity: 15 m³

Volume of gas afterburning chamber (m3)24 Burning rate (kg/hour)up to ~ 2000 Dimensions (LxWxH)10х2,54х2,54 Boot Window (LxW)Calculated Weight (tons)50 Fuel type diesel/gas/fuel oil/waste oil neutralization of industrial and ...

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Eco-Spectrum LLC
cleaning incinerator
cleaning incinerator
P 4000

Temperature range: 350 °C - 500 °C

The Thermal Stripping Furnace have been created for an effective cleaning of industrials elements polluted during their use. Ideally designed to thermally eradicate grease and paints from a process, their conception is adapted to any ...

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thermal incinerator
thermal incinerator

Temperature range: 800 °C - 850 °C

... Animals, Poultry animals from farms, Pet Crematoriums, Animals from zoo. Main Futures: Tailor Made design Rotary kiln application for bigger capacities and ability to operate 24/day 2 seconds residence ...

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