Salmonella typhimurium rapid tests

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rapid typhoid test
rapid typhoid test

​The Typhoid Ab Rapid Test is a lateral flow immunoassay for the simultaneous detection and differentiation of anti-Salmonella typhi (S. typhi) IgG and IgM in human serum or plasma. Explain ...

rapid typhoid test
rapid typhoid test

Rapid Salmonella typhi IgG/IgM Combo Test Card is used for the qualitative detection of Salmonella typhi antibodies in human whole blood, serum or plasma. The test ...

rapid Salmonella test
rapid Salmonella test

Result display time: 10 min
Specificity: 96.3 %
Sensitivity: 89.8 %

The StrongStep® Salmonella Antigen Rapid Test is a rapid visual immunoassay for the qualitative, presumptive detection of Salmonella typhimurium, ...

rapid typhoid test
rapid typhoid test

The Typhoid Rapid Test is a rapid, qualitative and differential test for the detection of IgG and IgM antibodies or antigens to Salmonella typhi (S. ...

rapid infectious disease test
rapid infectious disease test

Adeno/Rota combo - INFECTIOUS - Cassette - Stool Adenovirus antigen - INFECTIOUS - Cassette - Stool Adulteration - DRUG OF ABUSE - Strip - Urine AFP - TUMOR MARKERS - Cassette - Serum/WB/P Alcohol saliva - DRUG OF ABUSE - Strip - ...

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