Side protection X-ray protective clothing

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Side protection X-ray protective clothing | Choosing the Right X-ray Protective Clothing
Aprons that cover a large part of the body are the most common X-ray protective clothing. There are also many types that can protect a specific part of the practitioner's or patient's body, such as thyroid collars, gonade shields, gloves and mittens, etc. The main types of clothing are: X-ray protective aprons which provide front, back and side protection for the practitioner. Some are intended for patients, such as dental X-ray protective aprons. X-ray...
X-ray protective apron
X-ray protective apron

... combined in different sizes to maximize your personal comfort. The vest is closed on the front and the skirt on the side. Side slit increases the freedom of movement.

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Scanflex Medical
X-ray protective apron
X-ray protective apron

High-quality flexible protective clothing Double eagle soft-style Imported material Imported lead-free material Length 85 cm 90 cm 100cm 110cm Width 55 cm 60 cm 60 cm 60 cm Appilcable ...

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