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- Simulator with aneurysm
Simulators with aneurysm
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... . The training simulator consists of multiple modules, each of which can be used for the corresponding operation simulation. It is a specialized training simulator with professional structure and functionality. Endovascular ...
... simulate temperature, pressure, flow, heart rate and other parameters, with a real blood flow effect in the whole vascular simulator system. The whole shell is humanoid design, full transparent shell; The blood vessels ...
The Best Seller What pilots have been practicing for decades is getting more and more an important part in medical education. Simulations help to train the own skills and treatment methods in the team precisely and anchor through constant ...
... Aortic Aneurysm, utilize all the surgical tools and repair the aneurysm at the right angles, and then use the pulsatile pump to check for the quality of the repair. SUTURES AND BEHAVES LIKE REAL TISSUE SKILLS Excellent ...
For two-vein ultrasound guidance without tube with aneurysm simulation. The gelatine itself shapes the pathway. Loaded with blood simulant allows fluid to be withdrawn and injected. Compact, does not degrade over time ...
Our simulator of Artery feels like real live. This simulator is perfect for practice open aortic aneurysm repair procedures, as well as other basic vascular surgery skills.
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