Single-head contrast media injectors

6 companies | 10 products
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CT scan contrast media injector
CT scan contrast media injector

The new structure, lightweight and flexible, saving you time and effort; Well-designed syringes of both A and B capacities are not only suitable for adult CT enhancement, but also for children's CT enhancement and angiography.

CT scan contrast media injector
CT scan contrast media injector
Smart Shot

... LCD with touchscreen allows intuitive operation. Simplifying the overall operation enable safe and reliable injection of contrast medium. Handheld Switch Enables starting injection in the control room. A protective ...

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CT scan contrast media injector
CT scan contrast media injector

Zenith CT injector is made for the injection of a contrast agent in enhanced CT scan and CT angiography. Characteristic Zenith CT injector is controlled by a computer system. It takes ...

fluoroscopy contrast media injector
fluoroscopy contrast media injector

Zenith Angiography Injector is an injector for multiple imaging applications: coronary angiography, ventriculograms and aortograms, etc. It can also be used in digital gastrointestinal diagnosis for peripheral ...

CT scan contrast media injector
CT scan contrast media injector

THE MAINS-INDEPENDENT SINGLE HEAD INJECTOR FOR MODERN COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY Looking for the ideal entry-level model for contrast medium injection in your CT department? The ...

fluoroscopy contrast media injector
fluoroscopy contrast media injector

Looking for an all-rounder for your Angio suite? The Accutron® HP is a single-piston contrast medium injector designed for precise injection of contrast media ...

MRI contrast media injector
MRI contrast media injector

MR high pressure syringe Vascular clinical diagnosis Remote switch control H15 Injection System Wide range of applications: It is suitable for the injection of contrast agents and drugs during the ...

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Shenzhen Kenid Medical Devices
fluoroscopy contrast media injector
fluoroscopy contrast media injector

SinoAngio-1200 is a model of injector for digital substraction angiography machine.It is considered as a reliable friend of the cath lab,and faciliate the angiogram procedure in large degree.Injection pressure limit up ...

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