Skin colorimetry analysis systems

3 companies | 3 products
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{{/each}} {{/pushedProductsPlacement5.length}}
skin colorimetry analysis system
skin colorimetry analysis system
Flex CL 440

... The absorption and reflection behaviour of skin differs very much from other materials, as the skin consists of different, translucent layers, making colour measurements of the skin ...

3D skin imaging system
3D skin imaging system
Antera 3D®

... like to measure skin topography? Wrinkles, skin texture, pores, acne scars, volumes? Pigmentation Would you like to measure pigmentation and vascular lesions? Brown spots, hyper-pigmentation, rosacea, ...

skin colorimetry analysis system
skin colorimetry analysis system

... space. Proprietary lighting system automatically adjusts for optimal face, breast and body imaging. Compact design projects less than 17 inches from the wall. Capture time of 3.5 milliseconds makes the VECTRA system ...

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