Skin melanin analysis systems

6 companies | 7 products
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skin melanin analysis system
skin melanin analysis system
MPA series

... The Multi Probe Adapter (MPA) Systems The Multi Probe Adapter Systems can feature up to 10 different probes at the same time and are connected directly to the software (no display on the device). Measurement ...

skin melanin analysis system
skin melanin analysis system
Mexameter® MX 18

Assessing Melanin Content and Erythema Level The Mexameter® MX 18 is a very easy, quick and economical tool to measure the two components, mainly responsible for the colour of the skin: melanin ...

skin melanin analysis system
skin melanin analysis system
Mini2 FX

... instantly measures the melanin content of the skin via reflectance photometry and determines the phototype according to an official value scale. Simply press the sensor on the skin ...

3D skin imaging system
3D skin imaging system
Antera 3D®

... like to measure skin topography? Wrinkles, skin texture, pores, acne scars, volumes? Pigmentation Would you like to measure pigmentation and vascular lesions? Brown spots, hyper-pigmentation, rosacea, ...

skin melanin analysis system
skin melanin analysis system

Dpmini capillary analyzer is a portable diagnostic system that uses the Dermobella app to analyze the condition of the hair and scalp, manage records, measure customers and recommend ...

skin melanin analysis system
skin melanin analysis system

... now being applied to such varied applications as archeology, forensics, and medical imaging. Verisante has licensed the exclusive worldwide rights to a rapid MSI imaging system. The camera takes images ...

cutaneous sebum analysis system
cutaneous sebum analysis system
A-ONE tab

A-ONE tab is a hair and skin diagnosis system. By using vivid and magnified photos of the skin and scalp from the digital scope, an accurate and scientific diagnosis can be given. The ...

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