- Secondary care >
- Orthopedic surgery >
- Stainless steel osteotomy plate
Stainless steel osteotomy plates
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EgiFix Medical offers a comprehensive system of locking and compression plates for various bone fractures, available in stainless steel 316 LVM and Titanium Grade 5 Eli. Plate ...
EgiFix Medical offers a comprehensive system of locking and compression plates for various bone fractures, available in stainless steel 316 LVM and Titanium Grade 5 Eli. Plate ...
Length: 85 mm
Number of holes: 6 unit
... varum arthrosics by tibial osteotomy,the internal opening osteotomy has the advantage of avoiding any vascular-nervous complication (paresis of the pernoeal nerve, chamber syndrome(?), encountered in ...
Thickness: 2.5, 4 mm
The plates are preformed and deformable. DESCRIPTION Stable locked system with screws and countersinks. Possibility of curving the plate in order to join the shape of the tibia. A specific ...
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