STAT ESR analyzers

2 companies | 3 products
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automated ESR analyzer
automated ESR analyzer

... Sedimentation Rate (ESR) analyzers from ALCOR Scientific. The miniiSED® measurement of ESR is fast, accurate and unaffected by variables associated with traditional methodologies, such ...

automatic ESR analyzer
automatic ESR analyzer

Use of primary EDTA tubes Batch and STAT test mode Get results in 20 minutes with excellent Westergren correlation. Provide real ESR curve and Bio-Rad control assigned value. The state of ...

See the other products
Shenzhen Yhlo Biotech Co., Ltd.
automatic ESR analyzer
automatic ESR analyzer

Use of primary EDTA tubes Get results in 20 minutes with excellent Westergren correlation. Provide real ESR curve and Bio-Rad control assigned value. The state of art design with least maintenance US/Europe patent

See the other products
Shenzhen Yhlo Biotech Co., Ltd.
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