Straight bronchoscopes

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pediatric bronchoscope
pediatric bronchoscope

Working length: 358, 310 mm

Pediatric bronchoscope 0° φ2.7*358mm 0° φ4*310mm

straight bronchoscope
straight bronchoscope

The modular DUTAU-NOVATECH® Rigid Bronchoscope is designed for use in interventional bronchoscopy. It combines innovative features for easier handling and a wide compatibility with essential bronchoscopy instruments.

straight bronchoscope
straight bronchoscope

Working length: 360, 365, 500, 550 mm
Total diameter (mm): 2.9, 3, 5, 5.5 mm
Angle of view (°): 0, 30, 70 °

Solutions for the medical examination and treatment procedures of bronchoscopy, in which an endoscopy of the bronchi is performed.

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