Supine pedal exercisers

6 companies | 8 products
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{{product.productLabel}} {{product.model}}

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{{#pushedProductsPlacement5.length}} {{#each pushedProductsPlacement5}}

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{{#if product.productPrice }} {{#if product.productPrice.price }}

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leg pedal exerciser
leg pedal exerciser
MOTOmed letto2

... The specially constructed MOTOmed letto2 is stabilized with no mechanical connection to the bed or therapy chair. The foot pedal is used to lock the device in place. Easy-feel buttons, a big color screen and a color-coded ...

See the other products
arm and leg pedal exerciser
arm and leg pedal exerciser

Mobilize bed-bound patients effectively and effortlessly now with THERA-Trainer bemo: An effective device for passive, assistive and active mobilization of arms and legs. For early rehabilitation: in intensive and critical care units ...

leg pedal exerciser
leg pedal exerciser

Improve joint mobility Increase muscle strength Enhance cardiopulmonary function Output a given signal according to preset parameters, drive the user or the user to actively force the end of the limb to move in a circular motion ...

arm pedal exerciser
arm pedal exerciser

Designed for upper limb rehabilitation of bedridden patients, it has training modes of passive, assisted, active, active-passive, and spasm relief, allowing patients to start upper limb exercise training from an early stage, thereby speeding ...

leg pedal exerciser
leg pedal exerciser

It is specially designed for the lower limb rehabilitation of bedridden patients. The concept of movable rehabilitation terminal is adopted to realize the possibility of lower limb rehabilitation at the bedside. It has training modes ...

arm and leg pedal exerciser
arm and leg pedal exerciser

... smart stimulation therapy system. With the RT300 supine you can stimulate up to 16 muscle groups in one or both of your legs and your trunk while you leg cycle. Studies show that people who used RT300 supine ...

leg pedal exerciser
leg pedal exerciser

CycleMotus™ product series is used for patients to perform active and passive circular rehabilitation training of limbs. It is equipped with a high-resolution touchscreen display and controlled motor system that allows it to fulfil the ...

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