Surgery unit patient warming systems

6 companies | 11 products
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surgery unit patient warming system
surgery unit patient warming system

... about patient warming with ASTOPAD. This resistive patient warming system enables virtually silent and air-flow-free active warming ...

medical mattress patient warming system
medical mattress patient warming system

The patient warming system is specially designed to prevent hypothermia during the perioperative period. It is a necessary heating device for modern operating rooms. ...

medical mattress patient warming system
medical mattress patient warming system

The patient warming system is specially designed to prevent hypothermia during the perioperative period. It is a necessary heating device for modern operating rooms. ...

medical mattress patient warming system
medical mattress patient warming system

The patient warming system is specially designed to prevent hypothermia during the perioperative period. It is a necessary heating device for modern operating rooms. ...

medical mattress patient warming system
medical mattress patient warming system

Warm6200 Patient warming system is used to warm a patient’s body with heat generating from the electrical mattresses for preventing hypothermia. The system ...

medical mattress patient warming system
medical mattress patient warming system

Patient warming system is used to warm a patient’s body with heat generating from the electrical mattresses for preventing hypothermia. The system is ...

surgery unit patient warming system
surgery unit patient warming system

We have many types of patient blankets - including upper body, XL upper body, half upper body, lower body, full body, neonatal lower body and more - sized to fit your patient, from newborn to adult. Our ...

See the other products
Sunrise Medical Technology
surgery unit patient warming system
surgery unit patient warming system

Patient Warming is designed to keep patients warm during anaethesia and surgery. They are used in clinical areas where patients are at risk of hypothermia. Flexible, ...

surgery unit patient warming system
surgery unit patient warming system

... your patient and the blanket The Tube MA0510 surrounds the patient and should be covered with a non-woven, insulating blanket. It is suitable for Cath lab surgeries. Air inlet at ...

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