Surgical instrument sterilization trays

2 companies | 4 products
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surgical instrument sterilization tray
surgical instrument sterilization tray
CIL-018 001 001

These trays feature precision-engineered perforations that facilitate proper air circulation and drainage, ensuring perfect results every time. Durable, easy to clean, and designed for seamless integration into your workspace. ...

surgical instrument sterilization tray
surgical instrument sterilization tray
CIL-018 002 001

These trays feature precision-engineered perforations that facilitate proper air circulation and drainage, ensuring perfect results every time. Durable, easy to clean, and designed for seamless integration into your workspace. ...

dental instrument sterilization tray
dental instrument sterilization tray
CIL 018 003 001

The versatile perforated sheet trays—a must-have and efficient solution for the specific sterilization of surgical instruments, including dental instrument ...

surgical instrument sterilization tray
surgical instrument sterilization tray

Sterilizing Tray For Surgical Instrument, Autoclavable Tray, Available in All Sizes Measuring and Marking Instruments One of the most important ...

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