Test software

98 companies | 132 products
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medical software
medical software
diSplay U/S

Experience diSplay U/S, our online ultrasound simulator : an intuitive software designed to ensure a complete training in the fundamentals of ultrasound & standardized protocols. With diSplay U/S... An online ultrasound ...

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medical display software
medical display software
CFS ™ Local

CFS ™ (Calibration Feedback System) Local with Hands-Free Support The CFS software is used with the integrated luminance sensors to provide hands-free, front-of-screen DICOM calibration and compliance testing. A built-in ...

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Richardson Electronics - Healthcare
medical software
medical software

... COMPLIANCE Digitized test reports are transferred automatically from instrument to database for the secure electronic signature process. Complete audit trail for all changes to users, permissions, and protocols; archived ...

laboratory software
laboratory software
Genomics Suite®

Partek® Genomics Suite® is a statistical analysis software that lets you analyze microarray, qPCR, and pre-processed NGS data right from your desktop computer. It is fast, agile, and memory efficient. With a user-friendly ...

medical software
medical software

... high and low readings and customize by date and time to reveal more patterns Logbook Report View number of test strips used, average tests per day, and percentage of results within/above/below target ...

stress test software
stress test software

... Diagnostic software. Introducing Ascent™ cardiorespiratory diagnostic software A remarkably better way to collect, access and review data so you can stay focused on your patients. The all-new Ascent ...

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MGC Diagnostics
medical software
medical software

Products > RespiSim® Virtual Ventilator Software RespiSim® Virtual Ventilator Software Transform the way you deliver mechanical ventilation training – from anywhere, to anyone! Harness the power of ...

animal research software
animal research software

... 2.0. is the essential software for assessing operant conditioning studies!!! Nowadays, PACKWIN is supplanting all existing software alternatives for behavioural/operant chambers... PACKWIN is a user-friendly ...

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animal research software
animal research software

... while test is taking place Setting of alarm limits for system parameters Safety features such as automatic shutdown and emergency stop Separate setting of regulation functions for pressure, temperature and humidity TSE ...

medical software
medical software

... ANY-Maze is designed to test in ANY Maze, allowing you to choose whether to track the head, body, tail or the whole animal. Flexible in every way, ANY-maze will set up quickly with a USB connection to any laptop or ...

research software
research software

... then DanioScope is just what you need. This software tool uses video files and images, and it offers an easy-to-use and non-invasive way to study your zebrafish. Most importantly, DanioScope allows you to test ...

clinical software
clinical software
Integrity™ Version 8.9

... release of Integrity™ software version 8.9, which adds a number of features that significantly enhance user convenience while providing additional tools for users to aid clinical diagnosis and improved performance. Integrity™ ...

medical software
medical software

... to their patients. Benefits Conduct pure-tone and speech tests conveniently in front of your PC Watch audiograms and tympanograms update in real-time on your PC screen Store as many tests as needed ...

audiometry software
audiometry software

A VIRTUAL HEARING SCREENING TEST FOR YOUR WEBSITE WHAT IS HEARDIGITS A clinically valid hearing screening widget for your website enabling hearing screening self-assessments. Patients can now take an easy 2-minute ...

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hearX Group
clinical software
clinical software

... Standardized interface (ASTM or HL7) Bi-directional communication enabling Positive sample & patient ID Optimized test order & result management Reduction in transcription error, improves efficiencies Enabling ...

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PCR software
PCR software

... recommended as an integral part of INDICAL's bactotype Mastitis Test System. Enables viewing, reporting, storing and exporting of results obtained using bactotype Mastitis PCR Kits Easy-to-use software ...

medical software
medical software

real-time fatigue and heart disorders risk monitoring work-related and personal lifestyle contributors analysis sending alerts on increased fatigue levels to the control room and user instantly Fatigue is reported to be a cause of ...

medical software
medical software

... Depending on your strengths, one option may suit you better than another. Eyegaze seems the solution for you? Please make sure to test this beforehand. Your eyes are used to receive signals, but not to send them. Use ...

medical software
medical software

NGeneAnalySys® is an analysis software program designed to interpret genetic variations and generate reports through the automated pipeline of data generated through the NGS equipment. For each panel, an optimized pipeline ...

medical software
medical software

... behavior research. It provides a visual user interface and dedicated software features that efficiently guide and support the researcher through all phases of an eye tracking experiment – from test design ...

medical software
medical software

... deployment. Mobile App Integration The platform SDK includes edge technologies that allow developers to quickly integrate, test, and deploy mobile apps for remote patient monitoring using Vivalink medical wearable ...

medical software
medical software

The software PAMAS PCT is used in test rigs to monitor the cleanliness of components. These include for instance hydraulic systems whose hoses are flushed with a cleaning fluid. The software ...

medical software
medical software

... rapidly improve skills of both beginner and advanced imagers - practice TEE guidance of structural heart interventions - test TEE skills.

polysomnography software
polysomnography software
LX Sleep

... This convenient HST (Home Sleep Test) device provides a conforming methodology for multi-parameter, overnight, unattended sleep study that is described in CMA’s NCD (National Coverage Decision) CAG-00093R2. LX® Sleep ...

medical software
medical software

... Easy-Line DiSoft is a entry level software for people who wants to perform regular VNG testing without paying for options that they will never use. Touchscreen oriented software, it offer the user ...

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Instrumentation DIFRA
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