Thermostatic sand baths

3 companies | 3 products
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thermostatic sand bath
thermostatic sand bath

Heating capacity: 1,500 W
Temperature range: 5 °C - 400 °C
Weight: 7.5 kg

Thermostatized sand bath. Temperature controlled by microprocessor, with internal PT100 sensor. “ARA V2” fuzzy logic algorithm for high precision temperature control, to be used with external sensor, ...

thermostatic sand bath
thermostatic sand bath
M 3030 K

Temperature range: 50 °C - 300 °C
Weight: 15 kg
Height: 24 cm

... thermostat Heating Plate Material - Teflon coated sheet aluminum Heating Plate Dimensions - 30 x 30 cm Sand Pool Material - Stainless Steel Sand Pool Depth - 10 cm Power Rating - 2000 W Power Supply ...

thermostatic sand bath
thermostatic sand bath
SD, ST series

Temperature range: 30 °C - 370 °C

Electrical sandbaths with variable temperature control, with or without a thermostatic controller. Robust construction for continuous performance. Aluminium alloy hotplate. Because of the asymmetrical, long-term heating ...

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