Thigh bags

4 companies | 6 products
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emergency bag
emergency bag
EB02.013 KIDLE

This product is specifically designed for early interventions in emergencies, as the kit and its contents are very compact. It can be fastened in different ways (hand, waist and leg), thus making it suitable for all types of possible ...

emergency bag
emergency bag

DESCEN’S. Bag for descent kit This bag has been developed with several rescue teams. Inside, the firefighter can store all the necessary materials for a quick descent in case of danger or emergency. ...

emergency bag
emergency bag
KM 124

... water resistant and durable. Has 12,5cmx8,5cm size fabric pocket, on outer of the bag. There are 12 eyes on 5 rows straps in front, right side and left side of the bag.

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emergency bag
emergency bag
KM 125

Sizes: 20X13X10 It is water resistant and durable. There are 14 eyes on 5 rows straps on outer of the bag. There are 4 pockets in the bag, two big and two small.

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trauma bag
trauma bag

The ALPHA3™ PRO X thigh pack provides quick-reach access to life sustaining critical care supplies at arm’s length with infection control. Designed for active tactical medics with varying requirements, the ALPHA3™ ...

emergency bag
emergency bag

Capacity: 2 l

Elastic loops on the inside for the organization of materials. Available in a range of colours and materials. 25 - 29 - 5 (LENGTH - HEIGHT - WIDTH) 0.4 KG (WEIGHT)

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