Thoracic surgery lasers

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4 companies | 5 products
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phlebology laser
phlebology laser

Wavelength: 980 nm - 1,470 nm
Average power: 200 W
Weight: 8.5 kg

... in the thoracic surgery. Our proven Ceralas HPD 1350 nm / 60 Watt is still in high technical quality on request available. Thanks to low maintenance costs, biolitec®’s diode lasers ...

soft tissue surgery laser
soft tissue surgery laser
Opera EVO

Wavelength: 1,940, 1,470 nm
Average power: 40, 10, 30 W

THE HYBRID Surgical DUAL WAVELENGTH LASER Opera EVO represents a hybrid laser with dual wavelength (1.9 µm and 1.5µm) in one device, dedicated to both surgery ...

soft tissue surgery laser
soft tissue surgery laser
Opera EVO - U.S. Market

Wavelength: 1,470 nm - 1,940 nm
Average power: 10, 30, 40 W

THE HYBRID Surgical DUAL WAVELENGTH LASER Opera EVO represents a hybrid laser with dual wavelength (1.9 µm and 1.5µm) in one device, dedicated to both surgery ...

gynecological surgery laser
gynecological surgery laser

Wavelength: 1,470 nm
Average power: 15 W
Weight: 13 kg

... the wave of 810/980 nm laser and 80 times better than the wave of Nd: YAG 1064 nm laser. The higher efficacy of the 1470 μm diode laser system enables to ...

thoracic surgery laser
thoracic surgery laser

Wavelength: 980 nm

980nm laser spine surgery in a minimally invasive fashion allows spine surgery to be done quickly, often as a day procedure with return home the same day, frequently ...

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