Transparent bandages

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4 companies | 4 products
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polyurethane bandage
polyurethane bandage

... tissue, but can also be used as a secondary fixation bandage on uninfected wounds and to protect skin damage from pressure, friction or prolonged exposure to moisture. The wound film is transparent, ...

transparent bandage
transparent bandage

Clear Adhesive Dressing Film For Swimming Shower Protection Cover your skin from external friction and water to better grow an new intact skin; You can also use the adhesive bandage ...

polyethylene bandage
polyethylene bandage
144 series

... strength adhesive. Conformable, perme­able to air and moisture. Latex free. Suitable for fixing all types of dressings and bandages, catheters, tubes and cannulas.

breathable bandage
breathable bandage

The Orione poly-extensive bandage guarantees a perfect bandage, adaptable to different needs of the physician and the patient, it is extremely breathable also thanks to the particular type of weaving. The ...

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