Treadmills with underarm bars
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{{#each product.specData:i}}
{{name}}: {{value}}
{{product.productLabel}} {{product.model}}
{{#if product.featureValues}}{{product.productPrice.formattedPrice}} {{#if product.productPrice.priceType === "PRICE_RANGE" }} - {{product.productPrice.formattedPriceMax}} {{/if}}
{{#each product.specData:i}}
{{name}}: {{value}}

Maximum speed: 0.1 km/h - 20 km/h
Width: 70 cm Lenght: 188 cm Height: 142 cm Weight: 145 kgs Technical specifications: - 10.1” touch screen monitor resistive; - PC iMX6 DL 1GB, Micro SD 8GB, OS Linux; - USB output; - RS232 output (Trackmaster protocol); - ...

Maximum speed: 0.1 km/h - 20 km/h
Width: 70 cm Lenght: 188 cm Height: 142 cm Weight: 145 kgs Technical specifications: - 10.1” touch screen monitor resistive; - PC iMX6 DL 1GB, Micro SD 8GB, OS Linux; - USB output; - RS232 output (Trackmaster protocol); - ...

Maximum speed: 0.1 km/h - 20 km/h
Width: 105 cm Lenght: 210 cm Height: 150 cm Weight: 240 kgs Technical specifications: - 10.1” touch screen monitor resistive; - PC iMX6 DL 1GB, Micro SD 8GB, OS Linux; - USB output; - RS232 output (Trackmaster protocol); - ...

Maximum speed: 0.1 km/h - 25 km/h
Width: 80 cm Lenght: 260 cm Height: 150 cm Weight: 210 kgs Technical specifications: - 10.1” touch screen monitor resistive; - PC iMX6 DL 1GB, Micro SD 8GB, OS Linux; - USB output; - RS232 output (Trackmaster protocol); - ...

Maximum speed: 0.1 km/h - 25 km/h
Width: 80 cm Lenght: 260 cm Height: 150 cm Weight: 210 kgs Technical specifications: - 10.1” touch screen monitor resistive; - PC iMX6 DL 1GB, Micro SD 8GB, OS Linux; - USB output; - RS232 output (Trackmaster protocol); - ...

Maximum speed: 0.1 km/h - 25 km/h
Width: 80 cm Lenght: 260 cm Height: 150 cm Weight: 210 kgs Technical specifications: - 10.1” touch screen monitor resistive; - PC iMX6 DL 1GB, Micro SD 8GB, OS Linux; - USB output; - RS232 output (Trackmaster protocol); - ...

Rehabilitation Treadmill - 8.0T The 8.0T is a state-of-the-art, neurological rehabilitation and cardiac stress testing system, packed with advanced features such as a built-in tablet computer and cloud analytics. Its ...

The treadmill Reaterra is intended for treatment and rehabilitation of patients with neuro-logical and cardiac pathologies, for functional diagnostics and ergometric testing. Treadmill Reaterra with ...

Maximum speed: 0 km/h - 22 km/h
... can mount the treadmill more safely. A professional wheelchair ramp is optionally available as an accessory which allows comfortable access onto the running surface for most types of wheelchairs. The h/p/cosmos mercury® ...

The Callis Trac 60 PRO treadmills are best suitable for physically very disabled and non-ambulatory patients. Offloading patient body weight offers an earlier gait rehabilitation in a safer environment. Two-point dynamic ...
Reha-Stim Medtec

... the therapist. Innovative slat-belt technology The Callis treadmills are based on a unique slat-belt running surface, the s²ap®. Slat belts’ advantage over traditional conveyor-type treadmill belts lies ...
Reha-Stim Medtec

... patient access.Innovative slat-belt technology The Callis treadmills are based on a unique slat-belt running surface, the s²ap®. Slat belts’ advantage over traditional conveyor-type treadmill belts lies ...
Reha-Stim Medtec
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