Ulnar intramedullary nails

6 companies | 6 products
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radius intramedullary nail
radius intramedullary nail

Length: 190 mm - 270 mm
Proximal diameter: 3, 3.5 mm

Multi-Dimensional Ulna and Radius Intramedullary Nail System - Applied to proximal and distal fracture of radius or ulna

femoral intramedullary nail
femoral intramedullary nail

260.0080250.75 - Elastic Pin 0.8mm 260.0100250.75 - Elastic Pin 1.0mm 260.0120300.76 - Elastic Pin 1.2mm 260.0150300.76 - Elastic Pin 1.5mm 260.0200440.75 - Elastic Pin 2.0mm 260.0250440.75 - Elastic Pin 2.5mm 260.0300440.75 - Elastic ...

ulnar intramedullary nail
ulnar intramedullary nail

Ulna Intramadullary Nail 1. The proximal end is tapered to facilitate the insertion of the intramedullary nail and reduce the concentrated stress; 2. The proximal anatomical design is ...

ulnar intramedullary nail
ulnar intramedullary nail
83527 series

Length: 300, 250, 350, 200, 400 mm

... Titanium Elastic Pin is a intramedullary nail system that can bend and form compression forces in cases where the medulla canal is narrow and for fixation of diaphysis fractures. With the intention to ...

fibula intramedullary nail
fibula intramedullary nail

Length: 180 mm - 260 mm
Distal diameter: 3 mm - 6 mm

CHARFIX forearm and fibula nail provides stable fragment fixation of ulna, radius and fibula shafts resulting from closed or opened fractures and osteoporotic injuries. The instrument set enables the shaping of the ...

tibial intramedullary nail
tibial intramedullary nail

Proximal diameter: 4.5, 3.5 mm

Proximal oval locking holes for dynamic compression Use of threaded wires for locking instead of using screws Fixation of split-off fracture fragments using polyester threads around the threaded wires Simple and user-friendly instruments ...

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