Uric acid POC analyzers

3 companies | 4 products
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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
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photometric POC analyzer
photometric POC analyzer

Clini5 is part of the Check&Go concept designed by Callegari Lifescience, dedicated to self-analysis and personal well-being. Clini5 is a photometer aimed at determining the main clinical chemistry parameters in whole blood samples. It ...

kidney disease POCT analyzer
kidney disease POCT analyzer
SimplexTAS 101

kidney disease POCT analyzer
kidney disease POCT analyzer

... portable point-of-care system that can use a drop of blood from the fingertip, or urine samples. The built-in centrifuge of the analyzer and patented reagent cartridge design make it more accurate and reliable. The ...

capillary blood POC analyzer
capillary blood POC analyzer

... results during the patient visit • Reduces patient follow-up visits and costs Allegro is a compact, point-of-care (POC) analyzer that features a clinically important menu of 10 measured and individually ...

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