Vacuum manifolds

6 companies | 9 products
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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
{{#if product.productPrice }} {{#if product.productPrice.price }}

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laboratory manifold
laboratory manifold
Microsart® Combi.jet

... holders and manifolds, designed to accommodate all types of ready-to-use disposable units and funnels, reusable stainless steel funnels, glass and polycarbonate filter holders. A 2-branch manifold ...

medical gas manifold
medical gas manifold

... 22×1) 1 to 3 valves (DN20) Working pressure:4–5 bar (breathing gases) 7–10 bar (instrumental gases) (-0,4) - (-0,9) bar (vacuum) Maximum pressure:16 bar Tube dimension:∅ 15×1 mm ∅ 22×1 mm

medical gas manifold
medical gas manifold

Differently than any other systems, the LabTech WSPE vacuum manifold features a patented valve system able to grant precise fl ow control through each cartridge. The WSPE vacuum manifolds ...

medical gas manifold
medical gas manifold

... subject. The Equaflow Nose Cone has built in scavenging holes that work with Somni Scientific’s EPS-3 or an attenuated in house vacuum system. This safeguards researchers and technicians so they are not subject to noxious, ...

See the other products
Somni Scientific
vacuum manifold
vacuum manifold

• 12 and 24-port manifolds • Glass chamber for visual monitoring • Accepts standard male luer devices Vacuum manifolds allow the processing of multiple samples simultaneously. Manifold ...

laboratory sample manifold
laboratory sample manifold

... with a vacuum manifold. Composition - The EZ-Vac Vacuum Manifold consist of a linear, low-density polyethylene (LLDPE) manifold body, One-Way Luer-Lock ...

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